April 2015
Amherst Writers and Artists
As one of two tables reserved to researchers in the Special Collections Reading Room, this table, handmade by Amherst artist Sidney Waugh, has held the books and manuscripts of many local authors over the years. Works displayed here include Peregrine, the journal of Amherst Writers and Artists (AWA), and books by Pat Schneider, who along with her husband, Peter, founded AWA. Pat and Peter Schneider are being honored later this month at the Sammy Awards on April 16th.
(Originally posted on April 2, 2015)
Julius Lester Collection Dedication
In 1994, Julius Lester began transferring his personal papers and archive to the Jones Library Special Collections. A dedication ceremony was held on November 10, 1994, and included remarks by novelist Jay Neugeboren and children's literature specialist Masha Rudman. Pictured at the dedication with Lester are Bonnie Isman (previous director of the Jones Library) and Daniel Lombardo (previous curator of the Jones Library). Julius Lester is being honored at the Sammy Awards next Thursday, April 16th.
(Originally posted on April 9, 2015)
“Field Day for Death”
“Field Day for Death” was a murder mystery play performed in June 1989 as a fundraiser for the previous building renovation project. Cast members included library staff, trustees, and community members. Pictured here are (left to right): Sondra Radosh, Kay Lyons, and Ken Samonds.
(Originally posted on April 16, 2015)
The Jones Library Garden
The Jones Library garden is seen here as it existed in 1933 with the library in the background. Sixty years later, the library expanded and the addition was built where this garden was once tended. Photograph by Lincoln Barnes.
(Originally posted on April 23, 2015)