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  • Tags: Floods

The Hockanum schoolhouse during flood. Water is not high enough to reach the school but the road and surrounding fields are flooded. Two boys sit in a boat, a girl and a boy stand nearby. Anna McQueston (later the wife of Clifton Johnson) stands In…

The Hockanum schoolhouse during a flood with water up to the floor level. Photograph was taken on Sunday, November 6, 1927. The description on the back of the photograph reads: "The water began to fall on Saturday night. Heavy rain Thursday. The rain…

Flood surrounded barn in Hockanum and the flooded Connecticut River seen from a field. A house nearer the camera is just high enough not to be flooded. Normal banks of the Connecticut river are usually delineated by the two rows of trees just to the…

Photograph taken from a dry higher ground behind the Roger Johnson house looking toward the farms surrounded by flood water in the Northampton meadows.

View of flooded fields and an old covered bridge.
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