View of the drill hall with three cannons on the lawn. From Handbook of Amherst by Frederick H. Hitchcock (1894): The drill Hall was erected in 1883, at an expenditure of $6500. The Armory, at the right of the entrance, contains the arms furnished by…
View of the interior of the shop of Stanley A. Phillips on North Pleasant Street. This image is part of an advertisement. Visible in the shop are toilets, stoves, sinks, and a bathtub. The brochure states: "Plumbing of Amherst House lavatory was done…
Farm house and barns belonging to Spring Farm, located about three miles from the Amherst House and 1 1/2 miles from the Notch on South Pleasant Street (possibly #466). The brochure states: "The farm comprises 122 acres, a continuous stretch of…
View of the interior of Deuel's Drug Store showing the soda fountain and two employees. This image is part of an advertisement which states: "Guests of Amherst House are referred to Deuel's Drug Store, Amherst House block. Toilet articles of all…
This storefront view is part of an advertisement and showcases two different businesses on North Pleasant Street, Julius H. Trott, plumbing, and John Gordon, bicycle repair.
This storefront showcases the business of Cady R. Elder, who was a dealer in kitchen furnishings (note the Crawford Ranges sign) and other items, like the lawnmowers shown in this image. The shop was located in Hunt's Block. Elder purchased Hunt's…
South College (in the foreground) is the oldest building on the College grounds and was constructed in 1820 and used as a dormitory. In 1891 it was extensively altered and modernized. The chapel, constructed in 1827, was used for morning prayers and…
This building was constructed in 1857-58 through the liberality of the Hon. Samuel Williston. It contained recitation rooms, and the third floor was occupied by the "Mather Collection of Art." In the hallway of the main entrance was located a brass…
Originally constructed in 1871 through the generosity of Dr. W. J. Walker, this building was destroyed by fire in 1882, and rebuilt in 1883. This is the second incarnation of Walker Hall. It contained lecture and recitation rooms and offices for the…