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  • Tags: Central business districts

View of Cook's Block through elm trees on the Town Common. Horses and wagons line the street.

View shows west side of Phoenix Row with trees growing along the street.

View looking south on South Pleasant Street and showing Merchants' Row lined with carriages and horses.

View of Cook's Block, Marsh Block and Kellogg Block through trees on the Town Common.

Photograph taken from the corner of Amity and North Pleasant Streets. A stairway from the building on this corner is visible. Image shows Cook's Block before the fire of April 4, 1881. R. W. Stratton, boots & shoes sign is visible. Horses and wagons…

View of Phoenix Row on Main Street lined with horses, carriages and wagons. Visible business signs include E. C. Fairchild Drugs and Medicines, and a fire and life insurance agency.

View of Phoenix Row after renovations to Cook's Block required by the fire of April 4, 1881. Business signs visible include Henry Adams, Drugs and Medicines, and fire and life insurance agency. Pedestrians are visible on the sidewalk and a horse and…

View of Phoenix Row before the fire of April 4, 1881 in Cook's Block. Visible business signs include Deuel and M. N. Spear, There is a sign saying "Phenix Hall" on the side of Cook's Block, some pedestrians on the sidewalk, and a couple of horses…

View of Phoenix Row on Main Street lined with horses, carriages and wagons. Visible business signs include R. W. Stratton, a drug store, and a fire and life insurance agency. Two dogs stand in the middle of the road.

View looking west up Main Street with the Amherst House in the background. At right is the American House Block (with pillars) and Hutchinson's harness store. At left is Palmer Block, now the site of the Town Hall. There are horses and wagons in the…

View looking east down Main Street from the Amherst House. Phoenix Row is in the left and Town Hall is on the right. The clock is not installed in the Town Hall tower.

View of Phoenix Row on Main Street showing the Marsh Block, the Holland Block (known as Campion Block at one time), and Cook's Block. A horse and wagon belonging to E.D. Marsh furniture store are parked outside the store, and two people are standing…

View looking west toward the Amherst House from the middle of Main Street in front of Phoenix Row after the Blizzard of 1888. There are two men shoveling and snow is piled high.

View looking west toward the Amherst House from the sidewalk in front of Phoenix Row after the Blizzard of 1888. There are people on the sidewalk and snow is piled high. The Amherst House and Merchants' Row are in the background.

View east from the pillars of the American House block after the Blizzard of 1888. Snow is piled high. Signs for the businesses of Kenfield, Jeweler, and J. L. Lovell are visible and there is a man standing in front of the harness shop.
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