A girl plays on a swing in a woodshed and watches an older man sitting on a box and husking corn. The space behind them is filled with firewood and a supporting beam stands between them.
A road leads up to the Conecticut River and a man sits by a boat in the middle ground looking for logs. Trees line each side of the road. Some buildings barely visible on the far shore.
A sundial on a stone pedestal in a yard. A part of a house is on the left and some other buildings are on the right. A white man stands in between the buildings looking to the right.
A sundial in the foreground surrounded by well maintained grass. A large, two story house stands in the middle ground and a white woman stands near one of the entrances looking towards the camera.
A view of a brick, two story building with a one story addition on the left. A stone fence runs across the foreground. Some trees grow on either side of the house and in the background.
A girl is holding a garden hose spraying water on a buggy while a boy pumps the water from a bucket. A corner of a house is visible behind them with some shutters drawn on some windows and an overgrown front porch.
A black woman bends over a wooden tub resting on a bench near some bare trees. Other bugs of various sizes are arranged on two benches in an L shape. Two kettles are on the ground in the foreground and some linen rest on the ground.
Two white men stand in a yard of a house. One is bending over a wooden bench washing his hands in a small basin. A pail stands on the right of the bench and another on the ground. Two brooms lean against the house on the left and a fence separates…
A white woman on a porch washing clothes in a washtub with a wooden basin on a bench next to her. A second woman is hanging a sheet on a clothesline in the backyard. Shrubs and trees make up the middle ground while a mountain is visible in the…
A woman bent over a wooden barrel, washing. A drying rack stands nearby with some clothes on it and a skirt is hanging on the brick house behind. Two windows stand on either side of the open doorway, one with curtains, the other with jars on the…