Jones Family Faith

The Jones Family Bible and pages listing family births, deaths and marriages.

The Meeting House, First Congregational Church in Amherst

Diagram showing the locations of the Jones Family pews, numbered 17 and 83, in the Meeting House in the first parish of Amherst
The Congregational church was the main religious institution in the town, and the Jones family attended services at the First Congregational Church regularly. Its influence on Samuel’s character was apparent in his devotion to family, especially to his widowed mother.
Following his mother’s death, Samuel finally married in 1898, to Harriet Watson Stenger, and made a home in Morristown, New Jersey, a suburb of New York City. Their only child, Minot, was born in 1899. The death of Samuel’s wife in 1907 brought him great sorrow, but he was bolstered by his faith, and by his responsibility to care for Minot.