Browse Items (5213 total)

Landry's Market on lower Main Street with upper and lower porches and a large Budweiser sign in front. This building has been converted into apartments.

View of the length of the parking garage at the University of Massachusetts.

Marine Corps band which marched in the military parade for Recognition Weekend, an event organized at UMass in mid-July, 1986. The event was designed as a vehicle to honor veterans. It drew a large number of people interested in balancing the…

Bicyles resting in the bicycle stand in front of Hastings store on South Pleasant Street.

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Peace activists marching along with the military parade for Recognition Weekend, an event organized at UMass in mid-July, 1986. The event was designed as a vehicle to honor veterans. It drew a large number of people interested in balancing the…

Wooden sculpture outside the entrance to the Fauve Gallery, an art gallery which operated on the second floor at 18 Main Street for five years beginning in 1985.

Members of the Shriners marching in the military parade for Recognition Weekend, an event organized at UMass in mid-July, 1986. The event was designed as a vehicle to honor veterans. It drew a large number of people interested in balancing the…

Entrance to the Munson Memorial Library building shaded by a large maple tree.

Tent on the Town Common where the Amherst League of Women Voters held their annual book sale in 1984.

Flamingo decorations outside the building which housed Faces of Earth for about 20 years. The building is behind the Mobil station on North Pleasant Street and had previously housed a candlepin bowling alley. Faces had removed from the site by…

View showing playground equipment in winter with a covering of snow on the ground and showing interesting shadows cast by the equipment.

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Demonstration for nuclear disarmament on the Town Common.

Army soldiers marching in the military parade for Recognition Weekend, an event organized at UMass in mid-July, 1986. The event was designed as a vehicle to honor veterans. It drew a large number of people interested in balancing the military display…

Looking up Memorial Hill from the sidewalk on the left with Seeleye G. Mudd building and Merrill Science Center visible on rim of slope at right.

Students relaxing in the sun on a spring day outside the Robert Frost Library.
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