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East side view of the North Amherst Library from across Montague Road.

North Amherst Congregational Church visible across the road, a coniferous tree in the front and houses located on either side of the church.

Two boys sit and one stands on a wooden platform extending into a pond that was used to harvest ice in winter. One of the boys is wiggling a stick in the water to make ripples while the other two look on.

About six sheep resting in the shade of a large haystack with other haystack and sheep around. Two are grazing closer to the camera. A stone wall separates fields and a windmill is visible in the background.

Two sheep sit and one stands in the shade of two large haystacks. Other sheep graze in the middle ground with stone walls separating the fields. A mill and some buildings are visible in the background.

Lengthy article describing Noah Webster's life in Amherst including a description of his property and house, what he grew in his garden, the process he used to write his famous dictionary, what Amherst and the Town Common looked like at the time, and…

A tree in a forest with a no trespassing sign and wire fence. A caption reads: A warning posted on the borders of woodland that contains numerous oil wells.

View up Main Street toward Town Hall and the central business district at night.

Plumbley's Restaurant, illuminated at night, from across and down Main Street.

View of the Epiphyllum Hookeri (night-blooming cactus) photographed with magnesium light.

"There were parties to watch the rare night-blooming cereus unfold. It was not so uncommon in Amherst as in other places because of the Agricultural College.…

Nick Grabbe waits for the program to begin.jpg
Nicke Grabbe gives a speech during the March 12, 2016 event titled 'David Grayson Revealed'

A view of Niagara Falls from a viewing platform. A bench and a tree are in the foreground and a second platform is further up on the right. An arched steel bridge crosses the water on the left, partly obscured by the tree in the foreground.

A view of a rapid river with sedimentary rocks rising up on the far shore.

A view of the Shoshone with water mist obscuring parts of it. Some trees grow on a steep rocky incline on the right and a mountain is visible in the background.

A white woman helps a young girl stand on a railing separating a dirt path from the water as they look down. Niagara falls stretches in the middle ground and some buildings are visible on the shore in the background.
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