Letter from Amherst Academy student


1-1 CarpenterLetter.pdf


Letter from Amherst Academy student


Amherst Academy (Amherst, Mass.)
Amherst (Mass.)


Letter from Amherst Academy student, N. Carpenter, to her friend Susan in Dudley, Mass., describing the curriculum, the number of students, Fourth of July and other recreation activities.


Carpenter, N.


Jones Library Special Collections




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Rudman 1-1

Original Format



N. Carpenter
Amherst, MA

Miss Susan Remis
Dudley, Mass

Amherst July 15, 1822

Dear Susan-

With evry sentiment of
respect and gratitude, I resume the pen of affection
to consecrate a woman to the pleasuring employment
of addressing my absent friend. I recevd your kind letter
by the hand of Uncle F which gave me the greatest pleasure
to hear from your family, and that you enjoyed good health.
I hope My Dear Susan will excuse me for not writing
before when I tell her the reason of it. I have so much to
do, that I can hardly get time to eat, or to sleep, I have
to write composition evry week half a yard long besides
I have drawn a map of the world-finished it last week
my studies are Geography, grammer, Rhetorick, history.
Miss Tyler had 43 schollars that attended her writing
school I was one of the numbers I assure Susan I have
been as busy as hen with one chicken the school is very
pleasant her number of scholars is 140 all kinds of
faces that one ever saw, they are from all part of the
country 40 Ladies three that board with me are from
Canada. We have very pleasant walks and some
beautiful rides on horseback we ride far as the
famous Connecticut River how delightful. I wish
you were here to go with us how pleasant would it be.
The bell rings and I must run.

page 2

Monday afternoon. I want to see you very much. I think
of you more and more evry Day. Give my love to your Sister
tell her I should like to have some of her good drops when I
have the headache no medicine that I have taken has done
me so much good the effects, as powerful. Pleas to give
my compliments to Mr. Bemis tell him that I have not
had my roasted apples since I left Dudley. My health
is very good, is improving every day. I am most as large as
Miss Reyes--?. You would be astonished to see me if you ask Wille--?
he will tell you the same. Write soon and tell me all
the news you must write all you think of and do, I hope.
you will excuse my nonsense for while I am writing I can
se you before me I write as if you were present. give my
love to Caroline & tell her she must write me soon and let
me know where Mr Arnold is and the Lyon &c.
give my love to Uncle & Aunt. tell you sister I should be
very happy to have her write me and I will answer her
with the greatest pleasure. Dear Susan, you must be a
good girl till I come write soon and you will oblige your
Friend. I had almost forgotten to tell you how we
celebrated 4th of July. We expected to have a tea party but
it is not long since we had one and thought it not best
we had an oration delivered by one of the College students
in the Academy & after tea, all the Ladies that belonged to
the school took a walk all dressed in white, we had a
delightful time I wish you were here to go with us. It is one of the
pleasantest places that I was ever in. I should write more but my
paper is full. this from your affectionate Friend, N. Carpenter


Carpenter, N., “Letter from Amherst Academy student,” Digital Amherst, accessed October 22, 2024, https://digitalamherst.org/items/show/898.