Image of people in and around the pool. Showing a child sitting on the edge by the "3ft" label, another older child lounges leaning againt the rail to the pool steps. Adult holds young child to have its feet dip in water, the other swimming lanes…
Military veterans stand at attention, one man holds an American flag and another man holds what is likely an American Legion flag. Spectators are seen in the background.
Photograph of John Stanley walking beside his daughters, Tammy and Susan, who are riding ponies. They are on Potwine Street in South Amherst. A dog can be seen standing in the background.
Photograph of the South Amherst Fourth of July parade with a girl riding a horse holding a American flag and wearing an eagle as a hat. Other costumed children are in the background
A patron returning a lot of books without being charged fines. Information on reverse reads, "Amherst Record, Wed., Dec. 14, 1977, p. 6 Amherst Record, Sun., April 8, 1973, p.6 "Stealthily He Creeps - This fine old picture of a delinquent library…
Image of Rene Moss on telephone holding child. Showing Rene Moss and child at center, sitting behind desk with binder and notebook, back wall and right side have hanging racks of clothing.
Reception for Robert Francis at the Jones Library. Caption on reverse reads, "Amherst Record, weekend, Aug. 20, 1977, p.1 Reception for Robert Francis, Amherst poet, following presentation of a bust of Francis to the Jones Library by sculptor Anna…
Three people moving a cart on the front steps of the Jones Library. Caption on reverse reads, "Amherst Record, Sat., April 30th, 1977, p.4 Patsy Bischoff, the diminutive woman to the left, is helping unload a heavy slab to rebuild the patio in front…