Town Government Through the Years

Warrant for Town Meeting held on 19 May 1777

Warrant for Town Meeting held on 13 May 1778

Palmer Block, burned in 1888. Photograph by John Lovell.

Amherst Town Hall, built in 1889 on the site of Palmer Block. Photograph by John Lovell.

Rules and Regulations for Maintaining Order in Town Meeting. From the 1902 Amherst Annual Town Report.

Town Organization Chart, created in 1939 by Charles J. Rohr.

Amherst Town Meeting, October 1976. From the Amherst Record Photograph Collection.

Amherst Town Meeting, undated. From the Amherst Record Photograph Collection.

Amherst Town Meeting, undated. From the Amherst Record Photograph Collection.

Award for Amherst from America-Vote '76, dated 29 December 1976.
Town Government Through the Years