Jeffery Amherst letter to Lt. Col. Bradstreet, March 5, 1759




Jeffery Amherst letter to Lt. Col. Bradstreet, March 5, 1759


Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797
United States -- History -- French and Indian War, 1755-1763
Bradstreet, John, 1711-1774


Letter from Jeffery Amherst to Lt. Col. John Bradstreet regarding construction of boats, hire and pay of laborers, and finance for military campaign, March 5, 1759. Several months later Amherst successfully captured Fort Ticonderoga on the Hudson River from the French.

In this letter the word "battoes" means bateaux -- a long, tapering, flat-bottomed, river boat.


Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797


Jones Library Special Collections




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Folder: Amherst, Jeffery--Correspondence

Original Format



New York March y(?) 5th 1759.


I have received your letter of
the 26th of February, since which date the
Carpenters will undoubtedly have very soon
arrived at Albany, as they were dispatched
from hence at the intended time.

I have advertised that the
advance money for the Battoes men should be
paid on the 20th of march instead of the 10th
(something?) as you will see by the enclosed. The
difference of time for the ox team drivers &
waggoners is so small that I have made no alteration in that.

As all the Persons who were
to enter into this service are to send their
names to you as by the first advertisements,
I think it is better you should either send a
proper Person or fix(?) on any one you may

Lt Col Bradstreet D J(?) Master General know

[page 2]

know at or near the Towns where the
advance pay is to be issued, who may be
a proper Judge, and will take care that none
may receive the advance pay but such as
appear fit for the service, and of course
are under the Captains who will have
applyed to you, they are afterwards to be
reviewed by proper officers at Albany.

Captain Lowning(?) is at present
employed in building whale Boats intended
for the service of Troops in the Transport Ships.
I would be prepared for every thing that the
Situation of the Enemy and the numbers of
His Majestys Troops which are to act this
Campaign may put in my Power to attempt,
I have named the 10th of April to press
things forward as much as I can, and I would
begin to act from the first moment that the
season(?) will permit, at the same time I am
to tell you in confidence that the time prescribed
to me from England is the first of may,
and as that will give you time for building
Battoes at Albany, for any service that may be

[page 3]

hearafter thought proper to execute(?) by the
Lake ontario, I shall be very glad that you
will be prepared for it, as you will have the
workmen with you. this will take off
a very great expence that would be incurred
in building them at Boston, Capt Lowning(?) may
finish what he is about there, and then I think
the sooner he comes to Albany the better.

I have given a warrant to you
on Mr Mortier(?) for £3000, that he may give
you the necessary credit for paying the advance
Pay to the Battoes men vea.(?) and as Mr.
Normandy has acquainted me he waited for
your orders, I send him to you with this which
will be quicker than the Post, and give you
time for sending proper People to the Towns
where the Battoes Men yea(?) are to repair.

The Purchases of oxen & Horses
must yet remain some little time for no money
is come, you will however be prepared and
at a certainty where to have them when
called for.

I send you a copy of another
advertisement I have though proper to

[page 4]

to publish, that the country people may
not suffer through any Ignorance of not
knowing where to apply

Mr Mortier(?) has just now
Lent me a Bill of exchange for £1000, and
he will write to you and give you proper
credit for the £2000 remaining of the warrant
I have signed. The Draft for £1000 (something?)
(something) currency is enclosed herewith. as I will not detain Mr.
Normandy, but that he may set off directly I shall
only write a few Lines to (something) General Gage.
You will therefore be so good to shew him
this letter with the enclosed advertisements.
I am with great truth

Your most humble
and most obedient servant
Jeff: Amherst


Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797, “Jeffery Amherst letter to Lt. Col. Bradstreet, March 5, 1759,” Digital Amherst, accessed October 22, 2024,