Two white boys stand on the branches of a birch tree while two boys kneel on the ground and another stands looking down with a bag at his feet. Utility poles and railroad tracks cut across the middle ground and trees grow in the background.
A view of an oil well and a wooden shack next to it. Tall grasses growing in front of it and a stream running in the foreground. Hills and mountains are visible in the background.
A frozen pond with bare trees growing on the shore on the right and in the background on the left. Caption reads: "In Valley Forge on the frozen pond. In the distance is one of the hills fortified by Washington's army."
A stone, multi-story building is on the right with some stones loose and many windows broken. Some bare trees grow on the right and in the background and some snow lies on the ground.
A white man stands behind a half-door with the top half open and the lower half closed. A boy sits on the threshold looking at a small cannon on the top step. Caption reads: "the entrance is blocked for the time being by a small boy admiring one of…
A view of a stone, two-story building with a wooden fence in front of it. A river is on the right with trees filling up both sides of the shore in the background.
A view of a brick, two story building with a one story addition on the left. A stone fence runs across the foreground. Some trees grow on either side of the house and in the background.
A white boy stands on a sidewalk with his hands above his head pumping water from a water pump. Buildings are partly visible on the other side of the street.
A white man stands among shrubs looking towards a river in the middle ground and a town on the far shore. Multiple flue-gas stack spew smoke making the background mountains hazy.
A man stands on a wooden sidewalk resting his hand against a wooden kiosk. A covered bridge is in front with a toll sign affixed to the side and a large "Penalty $5.00" written on top of the bridge.