Browse Items (5213 total)

Three men and two women kneeling on the ground surrounded by tall grasses picking cranberries. Two of the men are holding cranberry scoopers. Bushes and trees grow behind them in the middle ground with woods visible in the background.

A young girl, identified as Katherine Johnson, sitting on a couch with her collection of dolls and teddy bear.

A white boy stands near a second boy who is sitting, both whittling. A stream is visible behind them and trees grow on the left and in the background.

A group of boys and a woman stand and walk around a horse-drawn carriage on a road by the side of a two story stone inn with a sign reading "The White Hart Inn."

View of the Atlantic Ocean with waves breaking against rocks.

Three children around the trunk of a tree with some houses visible in the background. According to the caption, culprits were tied to the oak tree when they were whipped.

Two men sit on a dock fishing, a steam ship is docked in the background. Caption on reverse reads "New York The wharves at Poughkeepsie."

A view of a large elm tree, purported to be twenty-seven feet in circumference, with two houses behind it.

View across a river from the near side bank to the far side, both lined with trees. Shrubs dominate the left foreground.

A covered bridge with a wagon entering it. A group of kids stands on the let side looking at the camera and two more children stand by an opening on the bridge's right side.

A man stands drawing water from a wooden well with a wooden fence behind it. A barn is visible on the right in the background.

A white woman hauling water up from a wooden well next to a porch. A young boy sits behind her watching while feet of another person are partly visible on the right. A wooden house is behind them and a water basin rests against the wall on the left.

A white woman stands in front of a wooden well with a long stick. A dog stands next to the well. A wagon, clothes drying on a clothesline, and a house are in the middle ground. A child stands in the door of the house.

Three women doing laundry in an open shed with one woman drying sheets with a wringer while another does the washing beside her. The third woman stands nearer the camera holding some clothes while a tub filled with them is at her feet.

A bush with some white linen hanging on it. A footpath runs from the perceptive of the camera towards a stone house on the right with some stone walls in the middle ground.
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