Two large wooden iron-bound barrels propped up on pieces of wood against a tree. A wheelbarrow tilted down toward the barrels sits just behind and to the left of them. A large wooden shed is just behind the barrels.
Wide street with several cars parked at the curb and some pedestrians on the sidewalks. Two churches are in view as well as many commercial buildings, some six-story high.
A road running between a barn and a house of a farm. The fence on the house side of the road is in considerable disrepair. A wagon and a hay-rake sit next to the barn. Some trees grow in the fenced area near the house.
A wide, tree-lined street with substantial homes along both sides. Two carriages are parked near the trees and one is coming down the middle of the street.
A woman sitting and weaving a rug with the loom resting on the backs of two chairs. A large school bell rests on theseat on one chair. The parlor has wallpaper with a fleur de lis design and there are pictures hanging on the walls.
A two story house with two chimneys and an attached one story addition in the back. Part of a barn or shed is visible on the right. A tree and a stone wall is visible in front of the house and there is another stone wall in the right foreground.
An older, bearded man, identified as Charles Dudley Warner, sitting at a round table reading a book. Behind him are bookshelves with sets of and individual books along with decorative accessories and pictures in front of lattice windows.
A man, identified as Charles Dudley Warner, dressed in a three-piece suit, wearing a bowler hat, and holding a walking stick, stands on the steps of a porch to his home looking off to the left. Some bare trees grow on the left, in front of the house.
A wagon loaded with hay drawn by two horses guided by a farmer riding on top of the hay down a one lane dirt road toward the camera. A second man sits behind the farmer and some bare trees growon the right.