A man sits on the bottom of an upturned boat near the edge of the water with another upturned boat near the camera and a third boat behind him. Town buildings stand in the middle ground with a drinking fountain in the middle of the street and trees…
A sidewalk leading up to and splitting around a round stone tower with arch openings around and some small windows higher up. A metal fence surrounds it and a wooden bench faces it. A man is sweeping the sidewalk near the fence.
Sheep in a field with four near the foreground and many walking around in the middle ground or resting in the shade of tall haystacks. A mill is visible in the background with a couple buildings nearby.
Two sheep sit and one stands in the shade of two large haystacks. Other sheep graze in the middle ground with stone walls separating the fields. A mill and some buildings are visible in the background.
A view of the neoclassical building and a large dome. A number of walkways lead around the grounds with men and women walking around. Houses are visible on the left and a church stands on the right.
Two boys sit and one stands on a wooden platform extending into a pond that was used to harvest ice in winter. One of the boys is wiggling a stick in the water to make ripples while the other two look on.
Three boys stand on a dirt road, all wearing overalls and the smallest one barefoot. The other two hold branches with leaves and looking at them. Some trees are visible in the background.
A small tree grows in the foreground surrounded by plant litter with other trees and bushes growing around. A small clearing is partly visible in the middle ground with thick trees growing in the background.
Some thin trees in shadow in the foreground on the left with a stone wall near them. A slight slope descends from right to left and the waters of the bay are visible in the background.
A view of a pond in the foreground with a stone wall extending into it and other stone walls extending up a hill towards a farm house and a windmill standing on top of a hill.
About six sheep resting in the shade of a large haystack with other haystack and sheep around. Two are grazing closer to the camera. A stone wall separates fields and a windmill is visible in the background.
A view of the Mohegan Bluffs on Block Island, clay clifs extending on the left in the background. Rocks make up the foreground on the left with a beach extending in the middle ground and the water on the right, some waves breaking on the rocks.