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  • Collection: Amherst Record Photograph Collection

Image of man, in blazer and white button up shirt with dark pants, posed in front of the Pub holding four menus splayed as prop in front of him.

amherst_record_collection_undated_ thomsons_may_6.jpg
Image of couple posing in styled suits in home at front of a fireplace.

Image of three boys smiling and working in the hood of a car.

Military veterans stand at attention, one man holds an American flag and another man holds what is likely an American Legion flag. Spectators are seen in the background.

Image of people in and around the pool. Showing a child sitting on the edge by the "3ft" label, another older child lounges leaning againt the rail to the pool steps. Adult holds young child to have its feet dip in water, the other swimming lanes…

Woman seated at room full of weaving looms. Caption on reverse reads, "Arts and Crafts at Jones Library."

Image of woman posing in front of brick building, wearing a plaid dress with tie belt.
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