Browse Exhibits (26 total)
Peoples of Amherst

Amherst's demographics, ethnicity, and societal organizations from the 19th century to the present.
Robert Francis, At Home & Abroad

This exhibit on Robert Francis explores his life at home in Amherst and his travels abroad.
Roger Johnson's Caving Scrapbook

A scrapbook created by Roger Johnson, son of Clifton Johnson, which contains newspaper articles, correspondence, pamphlets, and other ephemera relating to the subterranean explorations of Roger and others throughout the world.
Roger Johnson was an avid caver and in the 1930s coined the term 'spelunker' to describe those who have an interest in exploring caves yet are not professional speleologists. In 1949, G & C Merriam included the word for the first time in their unabridged dictionary.
Ruth Payne Burgess - Sketches of Her Life

Learn about the Life and Art of this American artist known for her naturalistic style.
Samuel Minot Jones - Son of Amherst, Father of the Jones Library

This exhibit, based on the physical exhibit displayed in Jones Library Special Collections from March through May 2019, celebrates the life of Samuel Minot Jones, benefactor of the Jones Library. The photographs, realia, and correspondence represented are drawn from the Jones Family Collection, and reflect the many facets of Samuel Minot Jones, who spent his formative years in Amherst.
Special Collections Exhibit at the Town Council Inauguration

This exhibit contains all of the photographs and many of the other materials that were on display at the Amherst Town Council Inauguration, which took place at the Amherst-Pelham Regional High School on Sunday, December 2, 2018. All of these materials are the property of Jones Library Special Collections.
Teaching and Learning

Information about Amherst as an academic center, including higher education, scholarship, and the local educational system.
Throwback Thursdays

Each week on Thursday we feature a photograph from our collection as part of #throwbackthursdays. We post the images on the Jones Library Facebook page and the Special Collections instagram. This exhibit is a compilation of previous posts for Throwback Thursday.
War, Peace, and Human Rights

Amherst's role in military conflicts, peace movements, and struggles for human rights.
Who is David Grayson?

This exhibit celebrates the 100th anniversary of the reveal of David Grayson's true identity. Grayson wrote popular essays about his simple farm life. For a decade no one knew who was behind the pseudonym.
This exhibit will take you through the events leading up to March 1916 and the aftermath of the announcement. Through fan letters, newspaper articles, photographs, and books you will learn more about David Grayson and the person behind him.