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  • Tags: Love

Valentine's Day card sent by Hazel Goodale Bullock when she was a young girl (1910-1914). The card has the words "To my valentine" at the top and has a picture of a red heart with a young girl holding a gift and cards. At the bottom it reads "if I…

Letter from Abigail Pomeroy to Joseph Stoddard Lathrop dated May 24 1838 in which Abigail writes that she has been released from her engagement to "Dr. F" and expresses her wish to hear from Joseph.

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Letter written from Frederic Augustus Ferdinand Fitz Clarence Bonaparte Hobbs to Fanny Gridley professing his love on July 2nd 1840

Letter from David Wing to Hannah Davis, Montpelier, proposing marriage in 1791

A Valentines card reading "a message to my Valentine / I'm grandly dressed, as you can see / and doubtless you agree with me / I cut a figure in good style / Therefore it may be worth your while" with a drawing of a young girl and boy in fine…
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